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Audience of One I Love Letter to Yah

This world is full of noise.

Constant rage of people's opinions, bottled in insecurities they haven’t dealt with, spilling onto their views of others.

Empty "How Tos" on using the gifts God gave to please man.

Just as noisy as the New York streets that never sleep is the pressure to perform for a world that will never care for you,

Never sacrifice a thing for you,

Never love you,

Never value you as Christ can.

This is why I’m hanging up doing for the empty approval of man

This is why I’m creating as a conversation with Yah—

The One who formed me, shaped me, and fashioned me.

Who wrote my story and planned my life before I was ever formed; before I was a small fetus announced by a sonogram in my mother’s womb.

Gone are the days of shrinking the potency of the fresh produce of our identities—the fruit of God’s Garden—for the empty calories of shallow approval.

Jesus is the true vine. God the Father is the farmer. I am the branch.

He has chosen me, and so I choose Him.

I choose to let the deep cut of pruning remove any fruit that’s not of Yah.

In Him, I will remain.

Lord, I give you every branch You’ve given me to bear fruit. In You, I will remain. You are my one and true audience. Do what You will with this platform.

I will follow Your command—to love others through my writing, my content, and every fruit You cultivate through the gifts You’ve given me.

You are my only true audience. In You, I will remain.

Written with Love,

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