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OWN HER NOW, not later :)

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

So many of us are starving the woman we are today because we’re too busy chasing after a future, a more perfect version of ourselves. But what about the woman who lays her head on the pillow tonight? Is she not already enough?

Now, this isn’t to dismiss the power of progress, but to remind you that seeing yourself as enough doesn’t hold you back—it propels you forward. Sis, it’s time to stop waiting for perfection and start owning the woman you were designed to be, with progression, discipline, and grace—right now, not later.

Here are 3 ways to #OWNHERSHIP:

1. Stop Waiting: Don’t wait, sow! When you’re sowing, you’re focused on what God has placed in your hands right now, stewarding it with grace and care. Don’t wait for some perfect moment—your time is now.

2. Show Up: This is where discipline and consistency come in. The habits you build today are what will take you into your next season. Show up and water YOU today. Nurture your relationship with God and yourself now, and it will produce a harvest in your future relationships. Water the vision for your business with the resources you have, and it will bear fruit. Show up today, because it creates the future you’re dreaming of.

3. Unload the Clip: Sis, I know you’ve been hiding that seed God gave you because you think it’s not perfect or not good enough. No, baby, it’s GOOD. It’s time to unload the clip and release what God placed inside of you.

I’m done waiting for some perfect version of myself. I’m done waiting for approval of the gifts God handcrafted and placed in me. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of waiting to be some ideal version of myself next year or in the future. I’m committed to owning the woman God called me to be NOW. Sis, it’s time to love, own, and cultivate the woman you are right now. Show up for her! Commit to her, and ownHER today.

Sometimes, you have to get up and decide: I’m done waiting to be her. Today, I am HER. As I continue to water the seed that is me, my garden will grow and develop authentically. It’s going to take work, discipline, and discomfort, but the woman God called you to be is worth it. Take OWNHERSHIP and show up for yourself today. Little by little, habit by habit—your future self is waiting for you to show up for the woman you are today.

A seed is still a seed, even before it blooms. It just needs time to grow, be nurtured, watered, and developed. You’re that seed—God’s seed. If you’ve been struggling to see yourself as HER, here’s your reminder: You are HER. Right now, not later. Water the seed that is you. You’re valuable just as God created you. Get in His word. Learn about the Creator, and He will reveal more about you, His creation.

Sis, you are HER, today and always. Now OWN HER, hunty!

Written with Love,

Your Authenticity Coach - T

A little gift for you :)

Looking to grow deeper in your faith and community? Join The Art of Simplicity for the #OWNHERSHIP 5 Week: Bible Study Series

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